Friday, December 08, 2006

To all Spongebob fans,
this post is dedicated to you :]
Guess what this episode is all about.

& I'll promise to do my best :D

Its when the cheap Mr Krabs gets caught by the Flying Dutchman.
There's still a kid in me.

Im beginning to like love Jay Chou alot alot.
Zhou Jie Lun! :D :D

My bloody one & only computer broke down again.
& this morning, it was working fine.
Darn! Im so pissed off that I cant be any more pissed.
So I'll just have to use this lousy computer,
with only Audition for my sourse of enterainment.
Shant type alot today.
Class outing tomorrow,
gonna post more images.

About Weizheng,
he's nice, if you know him :)

Goodbye all :]

在你离开的时候,你有没有想过我的感受?你有没有想过我会不会难过? 其实,在你走的时候,我对你一点相信或希望都没有了。
我放在你有一个可能会看到的地方。 我想,你会来向我倒谢,向我说,“谢谢你, 你帮了我一把。“ 我是这么的笨, 别把希望台的太高吧。 我相信了你,我把真相告诉你。 我的心里一之在说, “告诉她吧, 你还能信谁呢?“ 我就这么的信我的心里的想法。 我真的不在于如果你在读我刚刚说的话。

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